1. POWERLESSNESS Admit there is a problem. You have become
powerless over your life, home, children and relationship. Your
life has become so unmanageable that you don't know where to turn.
2. HOPE Realize at this moment that there is a greater power
of hope that things can and will change if you are willing to do
something about it. .
3. FAITH Surrender to Christ and allow Him to be the leader
of your life from this point on because He understands you.
4. INVENTORY Make an inventory of how you want things to
be and look forward to making positive changes.
5. HONESTY Start telling the truth, lay down all of your burdens
to Christ, to yourself and to your family all those that would listen.
Let them all know the hurt that you have experienced or still experiencing.
6. PREPARATION Allow Christ to remove all the negative defects
in your life. Know that He is always willing and able to help if
you just ask.
7. LETTING GO Become humble in Christ presence and ask Him to
walk with you and change all of your shortcomings. It will be terrifying
but each day becomes easier. Sometimes we try to hold on to things
that Christ is trying to tear us away from, allow Him to do so.
8. HUMILITY Sit down and make a list of all those that you have
lied to about your situation and those that you may harmed verbally
and physically and be willing to make things right by those you
have done wrong by your situation..
9. FORGIVENESS Forgiveness is the greatest power that you possess.
Forgive those that have done you harm and those you have hurt. It
will not only help you it will become closure for others.
10. ACCOUNT Be able to recognize your wrongs in the situation
and stop hiding behind lies to get you by. Recognize your faults
and live in a more productive and safe lifestyle.
11. MINDFUL CONTACT Always be conscious of Christ presence
in your life. Pray, meditate, read your Bible through any hard times
that may come. This will help you keep Christ close and have true
knowledge of His word.
12. MESSAGE Acceptance of your situation and living with
everything will not be easy. Knowing that Christ is their guiding
you gives you a spiritual awareness. Being able to follow all the
above steps will give some clarity about facing your future. It
will be scary but letting others hear your story may help them through
their situation.
What step are you at? Let us know on the message